Hotel Allegra Lodge, Kloten
Hamelirainstrasse 5, 8302 Kloten, Switzerland
This hotel is a 23 minute walk or 4 minute drive to race start.
Rates through hotel's website varies day by day, but can be a cheaper option. It is recommended you check multiple booking options, including ID90 Travel, Expedia or for the best rate.
$150 USD + taxes (non-refundable) (early bird pricing) or $175 USD Refundable
Book directly through
the hotel: Direct Hotel Link currently offering for a limited time:
Please note the cancel policy is different depending on the rate chosen.
There are a number of promotions on the hotel website, so you must scroll through to find the best one that meets your needs.
There is no special WARR booking code for the Host Hotel.

Second Hotel Option
- Hotel Welcome Inn
Holbergstrasse 1 - CH-8302 Kloten
- Hotel Welcome Inn
- Prices (including taxes) are:
- 15 Single Rooms – CHF 115.00
- 12 Double Rooms – CHF 140.00
- 10 Double Rooms, One Person – CHF 115.00
- Breakfast is 10 CHF per person/day
- Booking via [email protected] with Group Code WARR2025
Third Hotel Option
Leonardo Zurich Airport Hotel
Flughafenstrasse 11, 8302 Kloten
50 rooms available for the following rates:
219,00 CHF / Night per Single Room plus tax
234,00 CHF Night per Double Room plus tax
Tax = 3.5 CHF City Tax per Person/NightBooking via mail: [email protected]
With Reference Group Name: WARR
Cancellation: 14 days before arrival, after 90% will be charged
Fourth Hotel Option
Promotional Code: CINSAR
Use this promo code to receive a 10% discount on our Dynamic Rates.
When they book, they’ll see "Swiss Airline Running Team" displayed with the rate.
It is next to Kloten Train Station. 1 mins walk to Kloten Train station and 15 mins walk to Zürich Airport.
We are a 3-star hotel in H world group with 90 rooms.
All Free WIFI, Flat TV, USB Connections.