Host Hotel

Cordis, Auckland

83 Symonds Street

The International WARR Committee has worked hard to find the best hotel rates for your stay.  This hotel has been chosen based on their proximity to the race site.  A 12-minute walk to the start of the race in Auckland Domain

$138.00 USD + taxes (non-refundable) (early bird pricing)
Bookings can be made through our Sponsor: ID90 Travel @ ID90 Hotel Link


Book directly through the hotel: Direct Hotel Link currently offering for a limited time:

STAY LONGER & SAVE - 4 NIGHTS: $143 USD less 25% off (non-refundable)


$196 USD - cancel 24 hours prior and includes breakfast for 2. 

Please note the cancel policy is different depending on the rate chosen.

There are a number of promotions on the hotel website, so you must scroll through to find the best one that meets your needs.

There is no special WARR booking code for the Host Hotel.

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