T-Shirt Contest

Contest Rules:

1. The design should include the airline name and/or logo.
2. The shirt should be a representation of the current WARR.
3. The shirt may be Long or Short sleeve, or Singlet.
4. Printing may be on the front, back, or both.
5. One adult large or medium is to be submitted at Packet Pick-up before noon on Saturday, October 5th.  Judging will take place at 1:30pm.
6Please have one or two airline team members prepared to model your shirt, on stage at the T-Shirt Swap Party following the announcement of the top 3 shirts.

The shirts submitted will ultimately be distributed to people in the Host country, as a show of  gratitude for assisting with our Event. 

Judging will be by a panel of non-partisan, non-airline judges. The judges will award points for color scheme, representation of the airline, representation of the WARR theme, and artistic appeal. 

The main intent of this recognition is to encourage team spirit and have a good time.

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